In  the middle, direct in heart of Slovakia in 2018 was established broker/trading agency NEFINA s.r.o. Banska Bystrica. Notwithstanding the fact that the company is new, it is already the third generation in the meat industry. Our company is 100% owned by the family. We supply a range of raw pork and beef meat to the processing sectors throughout Europe. Our prices are not increased by the commission. Prices are direct from the producers or slaughterhouses, because we work for them and we are fully supported. Our suppliers are BRC, IFS and Halal certified plants situated in West Europe and Africa. In the first years of our activity, we traded between 4000000-5300000 kg of raw material. We offer a wide assortment of frozen and chilled raw meat for human consumption including pork, sow, beef, fish and poultry. Long ago before the family owned a herd of cows, cattles, sheeps, pigs, goats, poultry, dugs, rabbits and horses. The animals had born, raised, reared on their own plains and fed only with healthy and biological domestic feed. The animals were slaughtered and healthy bio meat processed in area Krupina-Krupinska planina in Slovakia. Personally, we have been partially involved in all technical processes: from slaughtering, cutting and processing to the sale of products. NEFINA s.r.o is specialized also for meat of III.category, called Petfood. Chemical factories, Energy factories, Pharmaceutical factories and Gelatina producers are also serious partners for us. Our goal is to assist customers in trying to find the suitable product that meets their specification at the best price. 
     Let`s our broker agents buying, negotiating, handling or selling products for you in the original packing without changing the character of the product in any way. In the short existence of our company great efforts have been made so that the main goal is the match between our shipping program with the requirements of each partner is achieved. Our clients trust us and this is our satisfaction. Since the proteins found in the meat are useful for repairing and building our bodies, are our business partners very important how to grow up. Let`s enjoy it with us...


„The stones in the road? 
We save every single one and 
one day we will build a castle"...

Fernando Pessoa


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