Members of Nefina are already the third generation in the meat industry. Long ago before the family owned a herd of cows, cattles, sheeps, pigs, goats, poultry, dugs, rabbits and horses. The animals were born, raised, reared on their own plains and fed only with healthy and biological domestic feed. The animals were slaughtered and healthy bio meat processed in area Krupina-Krupinska planina in Slovakia.
Here are a numbers of reasons why our customers choose us:


Yes, It is true, the NEFINA sro Banská Bystrica is young company, but  before establishing broker agentur, we learned and collected important knowledges couple of years in abroad. Thanks to years of experiences in meat sector our customers are the first to be informed of anything new or a product which is interesting  for their company. In the meat business is freshness of products very important and we care about it. 


We beliveve of power of words. Our words are not only words. The meat specifications and all parameters will be accepted. Our support team is familiar, friendly, knowledgeable and this access contributes to solving every problem. We prefer fair trading. Services are our highest priority! Our expert team is here to help you and we strive to provide the best customer service possible. If you have a problem we will find a solution.


Have you ever wondered why some companies get everyone rowing in the same direction, while others just sink to the bottom? It all has to do with team dynamics. How a team communicates and works together has an impact on how successful a team is in meeting its goals. Whether it concerns answering the telephone, issuing an offer or replying by email to a specific questions, we respond extremly fast. The 24 hour service is our challenge. We are here for you.
Meat export - kg/year






Company values matter. Every successful company has a set of company values to know how to build our business brand. The most important for us are :

- empathy, respect, integrity, honesty, courage
- the trust of our clients
- compliance with all points of the contract
- Passion is at the heart of our company
We are continuously moving forward innovating
- teamwork
- all points of agreement iare binding
- Quality. What we do, we do well
Our mission and challenge is to perpetually adapt our business to the ever changing market and to anticipate the needs of our customers. We have to fullfill all points of contracts. Thats ´s why also transport is one point of our strategy, how to care about customers satisfaction. Our mission is a satisfied customer. It is not only about money. We never ignore the importance of customer satisfaction. The importance of customer satisfaction should never be neglected. For us, suppliers and clients are a real treasure. With full commitment and passion, we strive to ensure that both consumers and business partners choose the NEFINA brand without hesitation.
With the right strategy and plan we will achieve every goal. Actively we look for new products or services to offer our customers. Every business opportunity and experience is chalege for us. Only by thoroughly identifying customer needs, we will find a well-defined product for the final client. Our employees have been trained in business skills and sales techniques with proactive communication on the prestige schools..

It is a challenge...


Also transport is one point of our strategy, how to care about customers satisfaction. The meat is transported in cooperation with world-known shipping companies by specialized trucks and containers. With them we are always at the point of unloading in time.



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